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Those who make you feel that way are likely to be people who have not experienced the loss of a spouse themselves. They may have encountered the loss of a parent or a relative but it nowhere near to losing a spouse who is once a part of you. Others may see your journey through grief as a weakness but in reality, it is a process of character building.

Recovery time varies with the person’s personality and spiritual maturity but the first 3 to 9 months is a period where proper care and support are most critical to a healthy recovery. One person may regain the right attitudes and perspective to life within a year or even less, while others may take years to attain the ability to cope with their new identity and circumstances.

Moving on does not mean one stops to mourn the loss but rather coming to terms with the past, cope with the present and live with hope for the future.

We personally know of several people who remarry within two years of the death of their spouses and living happily in marriage. Moving on does not mean one stops to mourn the loss but rather coming to terms with the past, cope with the present and live with hope for the future. In other words, we still have the memory of our departed loved one in our hearts but at the same time, we have space for another person to come into our life.

However, one person may regain the right attitudes and perspective to life within a year or even less, while others may take years to attain the ability to cope with their new identity and circumstances.

What is crucial is that the person we want to marry is the right one, compatible and loving towards each other, and we are not marrying because we are lonely or for the sake of convenience, financial need or the needs of the children. So we would advise a courting period of at least half-a-year or longer so that both parties know each other well before committing themselves. Statistically, more widowers remarry than widows.

If you have any questions concerning grief or how to reach out to grieving persons, please feel free to ask us. Selected Q&A’s will be featured in our website and newsletter.

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Your contributions can help those in need. Your donations will be channelled to the poorest widows through our Widows’ Fund to provide for them monthly cash assistance, emergency medical fees and education expenses for their children.