
We are a non-religious community service in Grief Support provided by trained caregivers who have themselves gone through the journey of grief.

For one-to-one grief counseling sessions, you can choose to go on a community pro-bono (free-of-charge) basis, pay a nominal fee of RM600 for 3 sessions, or pay full professional fees at RM700 per hour. Fees are payable upfront.

Frequently Asked Questions

One-to-One Grief Therapy Sessions

Therapy can be beneficial in so many ways. It provides a safe space in which you can discuss whatever’s on your mind, without feeling hurried and without fear of judgement.

Weekly Grief Support Group Meetings

Meetings are led by a trained, volunteer, group facilitator.The groups usually comprise a small number of people who come together to share personal experiences and information in a safe, friendly and supportive environment.

Follow-Up Telephone Calls

Discuss your grief issues or those of a friend with licensed grief and death expert who has been there and survived. Frequency of calls may vary depending on needs.

Grief Support Teaching Seminars

Support and increased understanding are essential when someone experiences the death of a friend or loved one. While everyone will be affected differently, there are some strategies that can be helpful in supporting the bereaved.

Household Practical Help

Coping with the pain and heartache of a close bereavement is always difficult. We want to help those who are living with loss to discover hope for the future.

Domestic and Financial Guidance

Walking with you through the journey to put you back on your feet and rediscovering balanced life after a loss.  

Home Visits to Widows and the Fatherless

Scheduled consented visits to the living abode of bereaved families as follow-up reducing the sense of loneliness and loss.

Financial Assistance to Widows

Monetary aid to help widows go through life due to loss of income. 

Micro-Finance Loans for Small Businesses

Assistance in application for financial loan to fund small ventures. We want to help those who are living with loss to discover hope for the future.

Teaching in Seminars and Conferences

Organizing related events or invitation to conferences to educate and share knowledge and approaches in dealing with people living with loss.

Community Talks for Grieving Persons

We are open to invitation to give talks or town hall sessions for those coping with bereavement.

Gatherings for Widows and Widowers

We also organize get-together for widows and widowers especially during holidays, anniversaries and festive period.

"The Grief Support Group was very important in helping me move on. I met new friends who were also in grief and along with them, we learned how to live again. I had to deal with a lot of my bitterness from the past. I got answers to many of my questions."

Support the Cause

Your contributions can help those in need. Your donations will be channelled to the poorest widows through our Widows’ Fund to provide for them monthly cash assistance, emergency medical fees and education expenses for their children.